New Look for 2013

Most of you all heard this at the end of the year party, but for those unable to attend, I wanted to flush out the ideas that we have been talking about for the past few weeks and answer any questions you may have.   While we call this the 2013 plan, things will begin to be implemented as early as Nov 12.  By Dec 1 we plan on having all the details ironed out and moving forward 100% with this model. 

This year we want the focus to be TEAM, TEAM, TEAM.  We want to train as a team, race as a team, have fun as a team.  T-E-A-M.  This means a better integration of online clients and team training clients.  This also means more interaction between morning and evening athletes, some who don't even know one another.  We also want better participation at workouts.  We do our job best when you attend. 

To this end we are making a few adjustments to the business model. 

  • Complete change of schedule:  
  • Over the past 2 years we have frequently taken attendance and very rarely do people make 3 or more workouts in a week.  So we want to streamline the schedule to fit athlete's needs better and encourage more participation.   
  • Starting Nov 12, the schedule will be adjusted to 2 mornings - Monday & Wednesday; 2 evenings - Tuesday & Thursday.  And of course there will always be a Saturday workouts
  • Training plans to follow:
  • Many of you have asked me for plans, some have found them online and followed them for specific races.  I always encourage a plan, but it makes our job much more difficult if you are following someone's plan but asking me for advice.  
  • In the past, we have always individualized each workout to maximize your general fitness gains.  Now, you will have a specific training plan to follow leading up to the TEAM races.  This will tell you what to do on each day, even the days you don't train with us or if you are out of town.  
  • We anticipated developing two different levels of training plans--beginners and intermediate.  For the off-season, this will revolve around a half marathon (see below).  During the tri season, it will be segmented between Half-Iron distance & olympic/sprint athletes.  We strongly feel this will give you more guidance as you train.  
 Race Schedule (subject to a few minor changes as dates are finalized).

2/23/13   Chattanooga Half Marathon
4/1/13     AD-Pi-athlon Sprint Triathlon
5/5/13     Rev3 Knoxville Half-Iron or Olympic
5/26/13   Clarkville CRAM 100 Ride
7/21/13   Music City Sprint or Olympic
8/10/13   Big Training Camp Weekend
9/8/13     Ashland City Half-Iron/Olympic/Sprint
??????     End of the Season out of town race

Ok, in attempt to answer some of your questions:

1.   Why the change?   Two reasons, in talking with athletes over the past 2 years, most have the same question--what should I be doing when I am not at a workout?  This will answer that and offer you much more structure to your training.  Second, as stated above, most people don't attend more than a few workouts each week.  The new schedule will allow you to plan ahead to attend morning and evening workouts thus increasing participation and the fun level.  

2.  What if I don't see a race listed?  There are several races not listed (Cedars, Mach Tenn, Du Run Run, Old Hickory, Chattanooga).  If you are interested in one of those, great!  By training for the TEAM race, you will be conditioned for any of those distances.  The new structure will likely have you primed much better than before.  But we hope that you will prioritize the TEAM races to support all your teammates. 

3.  Will we still get weekly emails with the schedule?  Yes and no.  I anticipate that we will supply you with a 2 week schedule at a time.  This will allow you to plan ahead so that work/social/life doesn't become a major headache.  If you know Tuesday night is cycling, then you can prepare for it.  You will still receive emails from me but on a as needed basis.  I do anticipate in the coming months that we will revamp the website and post the schedule there.  But in the interim, I will email it out.  

Hopefully you are as excited as we are about the TEAM concept for 2013.  We are also working on a few other TEAM training benefits that will enhance your training opportunities and hopefully save you more money at races and in stores.  

FTP Winter Gear (2012)

Just as we do in the spring, we designed team winter/cold gear. You can order as much or as little as you like. On the last few rides, I will take a few moments to talk about how to dress for colder weather. Here are the takeaways:
  • Understand where YOU are coldest. Everyone is different
  • Always dress in layers. It is easier to take things off than shiver for the entire ride.
  • Keep your torso and extremities warm.
  • Don't buy cheap stuff. You will regret it.
The biggest issue with cold gear is often the cost. This stuff isn't cheap. For example, last year I purchased the neoprene, fleece lined tights ($120).  There were expensive,  but on every cold ride, I know I received my moneys worth.  I wasn't cold at all. Unless you have means, then I wouldn't try to accumulate everything in one winter. I try to add about 2-3 pieces each winter. Slowly build your wardrobe. You can use plenty of items already in your closet to get you through most of the training.

In general, there are three levels of cold gear and they all play a vital role. First, there are long sleeve or tights. These are made of the same type of material as your summer gear. The purpose is to provide you a basic level of warmth and shield you from the elements. Second, most manufacturers offer the same items but fleece lined. Obviously these are warmer. They are designed to be worn over additional clothes...a base layer like an underarmour top. Finally, they offer a combination of the first two with the addition of wind blocking material. This is really important on cold days. In the long run, that means you might have 3 different pairs of gloves/tights....lightweight pair for a nice fall day, warmer ones for 50 degrees, and a windproof pair for a miserable day. They all play an important role in keeping you warm...just take your time and learn from your experience when accumulating them.

When I ride, I generally follow these guidelines regarding temperature:
  • 60's: Shorts, maybe a light long-sleeve jersey (socks optional)
  • 50's Light tights, long sleeve jersey with base layer, light gloves, socks, maybe toe covers
  • 40's Heavy tights, fleece jersey with base layer, heavy gloves, socks, toe covers
  • 30's Heavy tights, fleece jersey with base layer, jacket, heavy gloves, socks, booties
  • 20's Not happening. :)

Take a look around.  The prices are listed a la carte.  We will bundle a few things and try to mark them down a bit.  Also talk amongst yourselves regarding the sizing.  With the exception of the fleece jackets, everything runs pretty true.  The fleece jackets are a bit small, in my opinion.  If you need to see the quality of an item let one of us know, we own all of it. 


Winter Gear Offerings:

  • Only offered as bibs
  • Bib Knickers - $74
  • Fleece Bib Knickers - $84
  • Fleece Bib Tights - $104
  • Windproof Fleece Bib Tights - $120

Jerseys ('v' design)

Jackets (vertical FTP)


Sizing Chart

Leftover spring/summer gear.  I would rather hold off on tri gear in the event that we change the uniforms (doubtful) but if you need short sleeve jerseys or shorts, we can order those too

Shortsleeve Jersey-Club Cut-$48

Cycling Short/Bib ( This is the design but will be red, white, black)
Shorts w/ performance pad - $58
Bib shorts w/ performance pad - $64


photos holding pen

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